All rental properties in the City of Kalamazoo must be registered and certified to ensure they are safe and sanitary. Before your Certificate of Compliance expires you should schedule an inspection to renew the Certificate.
We will send a courtesy notice to your registered address four months before your Certificate of Compliance will expire. We encourage you to schedule the inspection three months before the Certificate's expiration, and if you need a reinspection afterwards, please schedule it within 10 days. Following this schedule and maintaining safe and clean housing will allow you to get Certificates for as long as 52 months, so you won't have to worry about inspections very often.
View 40- and 52-month Certificate Guarantee Deadlines
Follow the instructions provided on your courtesy notice to schedule an inspection for your rental property. You can contact our team by email at to request an inspection. Let us know the property address and the most convenient date and time for your inspection.
An inspector will visit your property at the scheduled time to ensure it meets all standards for rental housing. If any violations are found, they will need to be corrected and reinspected before a certificate will be renewed. If a reinspection is needed, please schedule it within 10 days of your first inspection. You will be invoiced following your inspection and the invoice will include your payment options.
Once an inspector verifies that rental housing standards are met (and any violations have been corrected) a new Certificate of Compliance will be issued to you by mail. It is the property owner's responsibility to know when their certificate expires, so make sure you know when your new certificate expires and when reinspection will be needed.
We will send courtesy notices four months before your certificate expires, so make sure your contact information is current. You can submit the rental registration form to update information on a registered rental property.
Follow the instructions provided on your courtesy notice to schedule an inspection for your rental property. You can contact our team by calling 311 or (269) 337-8000 during business hours to request an inspection.
Follow the instructions provided on your courtesy notice to schedule an inspection for your rental property. You can visit the City of Kalamazoo's Rose Street offices to schedule an inspection:
Community Planning & Economic Development 245 N Rose Street Suite 100 Kalamazoo, MI 49007