Submit the form below to request that a parcel be divided into two or more smaller parcels, or to adjust the boundaries between two parcels (to sell a portion of a parcel for example). A professional survey and legal description must accompany your application showing both parent and child parcels. The legal description should be provided in a Microsoft Word format. You must own the property and all taxes must be paid in full to divide a parcel or adjust the boundaries.
Before applying to divide parcels or adjust parcel boundaries, you will need to have a professional survey completed. You will need to include this with your application along with the legal description in Microsoft Word format. You will also need a number of other supporting documents like written approval that the property meets zoning requirements, confirmation from the County Treasurer's Office those taxes and special assessments have been paid, approval of road easements, etc. Required documentation is listed near the end of the application.
Complete the Application to Divide Parcels and attach all of the required documentation. Return it by mail or in person to:
City of Kalamazoo City Assessor's Office 241 W South Street Kalamazoo, MI 49007
Application to Divide Parcels(PDF, 166KB)
The City Assessor's Office will review your application and respond within 45 days. If your application is approved and a fee is due, they will let you know how you can pay. After making a payment, you will receive a letter of conditional approval, which will include the new property descriptions, parcel numbers, and all relevant information.
Note: If you adjusted your parcel boundaries due to a sale of property, the deed must be recorded by December 31. If this applies, you will be noted in your approval letter.