No, and yes. City ordinance does not establish a hard cap on the number of the permits available for any of the facility/establishment types. However, Marihuana Businesses are limited to certain zoning districts, depending on the type of business. In addition, the Zoning Code establishes two different types of required minimum separation distances. First, Marihuana Businesses are required to be separated from specific uses (churches, schools, parks, etc.), which are referred to as "buffered uses." The uses that are buffered and the required separation distances depend on the type of Marihuana Business. Second, there are required minimum separation distances between Marihuana Businesses. For example, Medical Provisioning Centers must be at least 1000 ft. apart from other Provisioning Centers and Adult Use Retailers, and Retailers must be 1,000 ft. apart from other Retailers and Provisioning Centers. Again, the required separation distances depend on the type of Marihuana Business(es) involved.
As a result of these zoning restrictions, the number of permits allowed will be limited because there are a limited number of eligible parcels where Marihuana Businesses can operate. The specific separation distance requirements and buffered uses are laid out in the Zoning Code, which is available through the link above. However, because the interaction between zoning restrictions and the location of existing Marihuana Businesses can be complex, it is recommended that prospective applicants contact the Community Planning and Economic Development Department for assistance locating eligible parcels for the Marihuana Business Permit(s) they are seeking. To reach a knowledgeable staff member, call the City's 311 Customer Support Center (269-337-8000) and ask to speak with a Zoning Inspector.