October 16, 2023 City Commission Action Summary

Published on October 17, 2023

At its meeting on October 16, 2023, the City Commission took the following actions. You can watch the meeting online here. You can review the official agenda and detailed reports and documents for each agenda item here

Public Hearings (F)

  1. Adoption of ORDINANCES approving text amendments to Chapter 50, Zoning Ordinance and Appendix A Zoning; approving updates to the Zoning Map; and City Commission Agenda Page 2 of 5 October 16, 2023 approving related updates to Chapter 3, Advertising, Chapter 7, Animals and Fowl, Chapter 9, Buildings and Building Regulations, and Chapter 21, Nuisances. (Action: Motion to adopt the ordinances

Consent Agenda (G)

Items G4 was moved to the Regular Agenda, and items G6 & G7 were moved to Policy Items. The City Commission approved items G1-3, G5, and G8-19: 

  1. Approval of a cooperative Sourcewell Purchase for New Fire Apparatus-Pumper from Spartan Emergency Response in the amount of $838,362 and approval of a budget amendment in the amount of $188,362.
  2. Approval of a contract extension with Alexander Chemical for Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite in the amount of $289,948.75.
  3. Approval of a contract supplemental/change order with Ferguson Water Works for Neptune Water Meters in the amount of $700,000.
  4. Adoption of a RESOLUTION approving a Payment in Lieu of Taxes to Hawthorne Park Limited Dividend Housing Association Limited Partnership for the creation of 36 affordable residential units located at 210 Lake St. Moved to Regular Agenda
  5. Adoption of RESOLUTION approving a Payment in Lieu of Taxes to Kalrecovery I Limited Dividend Housing Association Limited Partnership for the creation of 48 housing units located on the portion of 333 East Alcott Street bounded by Reed Street, Belford Street, Bryant Street, and the Portage Creek, Parcel No. 3906-27- 213-002.
  6. Adoption of a RESOLUTION in support of the restoration of driver's licenses for undocumented immigrants. Moved to Policy Items
  7. Adoption of a RESOLUTION supporting proposed State legislation banning source of income discrimination. Moved to Policy Items
  8. Adoption of a RESOLUTION recommending approval of a Social District Permit and Commons Area permit for Union LLC, located at 359 S Kalamazoo Mall.
  9. Adoption of a RESOLUTION authorizing the City Clerk to sign an Intergovernmental Agreement for Early Voting Election Services Between Kalamazoo County and Associated Municipalities.
  10. Adoption of a RESOLUTION adopting the 2022 Kalamazoo County Hazard Mitigation Plan.
  11. Approval of the Economic Development Corporation Economic Initiative Fund Loan for 215 EM Partners LLC in the amount of $250,000 to rehabilitate 215 E Michigan Avenue for two businesses.
  12. Approval of an additional position allocation (1 FTE) for a Civic Engagement Talent Coordinator in the City Clerk's Office; and approve an amendment to the FY2023 budget for the City Clerk's Office in the amount of $10,000.
  13. Approval of a grant in the amount of $330,000 to Kalamazoo County Land Bank from the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery/ARPA funds to construct four new attached single-family homes for low-income households.
  14. Acceptance of a grant in the amount of $80,000 from the Irving S. Gilmore Foundation to fund 2023 Downtown Holiday Events and programming. 
  15. Approval of the amended Economic Development Corporation Loan Policy Process.
  16. Approval and acceptance of three easements with 1) Kenneth and Julia Kammeraad and George Ludwig, and 2) Character Group, LLC for water services that extend beyond the eastern end of the water main on M-89 in Richland Township.
  17. Approval of Railroad Permits for the Howard Street (Stadium-Michigan) Project.
  18. Approval of the Mayor's appointments to the following boards: - the appointment of Kwame Gyimah to the Downtown Development Authority and Downtown Economic Growth Authority Boards of Directors for a term expiring on March 31, 2025. - the appointment of Matthew Norman to the Northside Cultural Business District Authority Board of Directors for a term expiring on March 31, 2026. - the appointment of Tami Rey to the Northside Cultural Business District Authority Board for a term expiring on March 31, 2026.
  19. Approval of the minutes from the City Commission meetings on January 3, January 17, February 6, February 18, and March 6, 2023

Regular Agenda (H)

The City Commission approved items H1-8:

  1. Adoption of an ORDINANCE approving updates to Chapter 9 of the Kalamazoo City Code Buildings and Building Regulations, Article 8: Emergency Housing. (Action: Motion to adopt the ordinance)
  2. Approval of lease agreements for access and placement of hydrogen sulfide monitoring equipment at 650 South Riverview Drive, Parchment, Michigan and 300 Maple Street, Parchment, Michigan. (Action: Motion to approve)
  3. Approval of a sole source agreement with Envirosuite for a 1-year extension of the lease for odor monitoring, weather monitoring, maintenance, modeling software, and two additional sensor monitoring stations in the amount of $128,844. (Action: Motion to approve)
  4. Approval of a contract supplemental/change order with USP Technologies for the use of hydrogen peroxide as a hydrogen sulfide reduction technology in the amount of $600,000. (Action: Motion to approve)
  5. Approval of a contract supplemental/change order with D3W Industries for odor control chemicals for biosolids processing in the amount of $416,900. (Action: Motion to approve
  6. Adoption of a RESOLUTION approving a Payment in Lieu of Taxes to Hawthorne Park Limited Dividend Housing Association Limited Partnership for the creation of 36 affordable residential units located at 210 Lake St. Moved from Consent Agenda, formerly item G4.

Policy Items (K)

The City Commission approved items K1 and K2:

  1. Adoption of a RESOLUTION in support of the restoration of driver's licenses for undocumented immigrants. Moved from Consent Agenda. Moved from Consent Agenda, formerly item G6.
  2. Adoption of a RESOLUTION supporting proposed State legislation banning source of income discrimination. Moved from Consent Agenda. Moved from Consent Agenda, formerly item G7.
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