Apply for a Planning Commission Hearing

The Planning Commission reviews the following kinds of requests:

  • Rezoning: a change to the zoning of a property to a different zone district
  • Text Amendments: a change to the wording of the Zoning Ordinance (city staff will lead updates to the Ordinance to make sure amendments do not create conflict with other sections)
  • Special Use Permits: a review of a land use that is allowed in certain zone districts but requires review and approval to ensure specific criteria are met 
  • Planned Unit Development: a use of land where residential, open space, and commercial uses may be clustered in a pre-planned development
  • Preliminary Subdivision: a review of a preliminary subdivision layout
  • Right-of-Way Vacation: a request to vacate or remove a section of public street or alley.

Except for Special Use Permits, all of the above requests must receive final approval from the City Commission.


Step 1.Review the Zoning Code

Review the City of Kalamazoo's Zoning Code for the district that your property is in. You can look up property details online using BS&A Online or GIS Mapping. If you have questions or are not sure if your project would require review by the Planning Commission, feel free to contact the Assistant City Planner for help. 

View the Zoning Code

Step 2.Schedule A Pre-application Meeting

Schedule a meeting with the Assistant City Planner about your request. You can confirm that an application is needed and you will have the opportunity to discuss your project and ask questions about the process. We will explain the timeline, what forms are required, and what you will need to do to notify neighbors about your request.  

To schedule a Pre-application Meeting, please contact:

Bobby Durkee
Assistant City Planner
(269) 337-8172

Step 3.Submit an Application

Complete the Planning Commission Application Form and provide any relevant documents related to your request. The information you provide in your application will be reviewed by the Commission and part of the basis for their decision. Supporting documents might include a site sketch, plan, photographs, or letters of support.

Apply for a Planning Commission Hearing

Step 4.Outreach and Notice

As part of your application, you should reach out to the neighborhood association (if there is one in the project neighborhood), neighbors, and nearby property owners. Let them know about your project and answer any questions that they have. During your hearing, the Planning Commission will ask about outreach.

The City of Kalamazoo will also mail a notice of the public hearing to all property owners within 300 feet of the subject property. These notices will include the address of the subject property, the type of request, and the date, time, and location of the hearing. 

Please provide a summary of your outreach and feedback to the Assistant City Planner at least 10 days before your scheduled hearing. 

Step 5.Planning Commission Meeting and Guidelines

Planning Commission meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. Your application should be submitted four weeks before the meeting that you would like to be heard at.   

View Planning Commission Meeting Schedule

You (or a representative) are required to attend the meeting. You will have ten minutes to explain your project and describe the reasons and justification for your request. Once the presentation is over, members of the board may ask questions before the public hearing is closed. The Planning Commission will then vote to either grant or deny your request.

Step 6.City Commission Approval

Other than Special Use Permits, all requests must also be approved by the City Commission. After Planning Commission review, City staff will let you know when your request will be scheduled for City Commission consideration.

By Mail

Step 1.Review the Zoning Code

Review the City of Kalamazoo's Zoning Code for the district that your property is in. You can look up property details online using BS&A Online or GIS Mapping. If you have questions or are not sure if your project would require review by the Planning Commission, feel free to contact the Assistant City Planner for help.

View the Zoning Code

Step 2.Schedule A Pre-application Meeting

Schedule a meeting with the Assistant City Planner about your request. You can confirm that an application is needed and you will have the opportunity to discuss your project and ask questions about the process. We will explain the timeline, what forms are required, and what you will need to do to notify neighbors about your request.  

To schedule a Pre-application Meeting, please contact:

Bobby Durkee
Assistant City Planner
(269) 337-8172

Step 3.Submit an Application

Complete the Planning Commission Application Form and the relevant review sheet below. Include supporting documentation like site plans, photographs, letters of support, or correspondence with city staff. The information you provide in your application will be reviewed by the Planning Commission and part of the basis for their decision.  

Planning Commission Application(PDF, 352KB)

Review Sheets:
Special Use Permit Review Sheet(PDF, 252KB)
Rezoning Text Amendments Review Sheet(PDF, 248KB)
Preliminary Subdivision Review Sheet(PDF, 272KB)
Planned Unit Development Review Sheet(PDF, 283KB)
Vacating of Public Right of Way Review Sheet(PDF, 199KB)

Return your application by mail to:

City of Kalamazoo
Community Planning & Economic Development
245 N Rose Street Suite 100
Kalamazoo, MI 49007

Step 4.Outreach and Notice

As part of your application, you should reach out to the neighborhood association (if there is one in the project neighborhood), neighbors, and nearby property owners. Let them know about your project and answer any questions that they have. During your hearing, the Planning Commission will ask about outreach.

The City of Kalamazoo will also mail a notice of the public hearing to all property owners within 300 feet of the subject property. These notices will include the address of the subject property, the type of request, and the date, time, and location of the hearing. 

Step 5.Planning Commission Meeting and Guidelines

Planning Commission meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. Your application should be submitted four weeks before the meeting that you would like to be heard at.   

View Planning Commission Meeting Schedule

You (or a representative) are required to attend the meeting. You will have ten minutes to explain your project and describe the reasons and justification for your request. Once the presentation is over, members of the board may ask questions before the public hearing is closed. The Planning Commission will then vote to either grant or deny your request.

Step 6.City Commission Approval

Other than Special Use Permits, all requests must also be approved by the City Commission. After Planning Commission review, City staff will let you know when your request will be scheduled for City Commission consideration.

In Person

Step 1.Review the Zoning Code

Review the City of Kalamazoo's Zoning Code for the district that your property is in. You can look up property details online using BS&A Online or GIS Mapping. If you have questions or are not sure if your project would require review by the Planning Commission, feel free to contact the Assistant City Planner for help. 

View the Zoning Code

Step 2.Schedule A Pre-application Meeting

Schedule a meeting with the Assistant City Planner about your request. You can confirm that an application is needed and you will have the opportunity to discuss your project and ask questions about the process. We will explain the timeline, what forms are required, and what you will need to do to notify neighbors about your request.  

To schedule a Pre-application Meeting, please contact:

Bobby Durkee
Assistant City Planner
(269) 337-8172

Step 3.Submit an Application

Complete the Planning Commission Application Form and the relevant review sheet below. Include supporting documentation like site plans, photographs, letters of support, or correspondence with city staff. The information you provide in your application will be reviewed by the Planning Commission and part of the basis for their decision.  

Planning Commission Application(PDF, 352KB)

Review Sheets:
Special Use Permit Review Sheet(PDF, 252KB)
Rezoning Text Amendments Review Sheet(PDF, 248KB)
Preliminary Subdivision Review Sheet(PDF, 272KB)
Planned Unit Development Review Sheet(PDF, 283KB)
Vacating of Public Right of Way Review Sheet(PDF, 199KB)

Return your application in person during business hours to:

City of Kalamazoo
Community Planning & Economic Development
245 N Rose Street Suite 100
Kalamazoo, MI 49007

Step 4.Outreach and Notice

As part of your application, you should reach out to the neighborhood association (if there is one in the project neighborhood), neighbors, and nearby property owners. Let them know about your project and answer any questions that they have. During your hearing, the Board will ask about outreach.

The City of Kalamazoo will also mail a notice of the public hearing to all property owners within 300 feet of the subject property. These notices will include the address of the subject property, the type of request, and the date, time, and location of the hearing. 

Step 5.Planning Commission Meeting and Guidelines

Planning Commission meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. Your application should be submitted four weeks before the meeting that you would like to be heard at.   

View Planning Commission Meeting Schedule

You (or a representative) are required to attend the meeting. You will have ten minutes to explain your project and describe the reasons and justification for your request. Once the presentation is over, members of the board may ask questions before the public hearing is closed. The Planning Commission will then vote to either grant or deny your request.